lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


Hola a tod@s! Os comparto mi proyecto Final del curso de INTEF: "Uso de Recursos Educativos para el aprendizaje integrado de lenguas extranjeras (AICLE)". Es una presentación en la muestro mi paso por el curso, lo que ha sido más importante para mí y lo que he aprendido. Muy agradecida por todo lo aprendido y por el apoyo recibido

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miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Os presento mi primera Unidad Didáctica en AICLE y es la correspondiente a "Perimetres and Areas". Está unidad está dirigida a alumno de 1º ESO dentro del bloque de Geometría. La Unidad está distribuida a lo largo de 8 sesiones de 55 minutos cada una. 

Los objetivos de esta UD son los que se comentan a continuación:

  • Saber definir la longitud y el área de una figuras plana
  • Enunciar y aplicar el teorema de Pitágoras
  • Cálculo de perímetros de figuras planas
  • Calcular el área de figuras planas simples: triángulos, cuadriláteros, polígonos regulares y figuras plana
  • Calcular áreas complejas por descomposición y composición

     Para las explicaciones me apoyo en la plataforma que tiene contenidos de la asignatura de matemáticas según el sistema educativo español tanto en inglés como en español.

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     La temporalización de las sesiones es la que se cuenta a continuación


    1.-Watching a video: perimeters and areas. (5‘) and handout activity
    O:Whole class   
    R: Video plan shape (see link below)

2.-Brainstorming about the presence of plane shapes around us and posible situations needed to solve.(related with perimeters, areas and measurements that they are not posible to measure directly) (15’)
R: Image of some materials: football .
Organization (O): Whole class
3.-Brief teacher explanation to introduce the concepts of perimeter and area. (15 ‘)
Resources: white board
O: Whole class
4.-Activity of calculation of perimeteres and areas counting squares (20’)
R: Handout
O: In pairs

Lesson 2: Measurements of quadrilaterals
1.-Construction of quadrilateral with the geoboard and paper geoboard and intuitive calculation of perimeters and areas (10’)
R. Geoboard, handout
O: In pairs
2.-Brief teacher explanation about the calculation of the perimeter and area of quadrilaterals, and the formulas.(10’min)

R: Whiteboard, geoboard
O.Whole class
3.-Direct calculation of  perimeters and areas of quadrilaterals (20’)
R: Handout
O: In pairs
4.-Resolution of problems of the real life involving quadrilaterals (15’)

Lesson 3: Measurements of triangles and regular polygons
1.-Construction of triangle and regular polygons with the geoboard and paper geoboard and intuitive calculation of perimeters and areas (10’)
R. Geoboard, handout
O: In pairs
2.-Brief teacher explanation about the calculation of the perimeter and area of triangles and regular polygons, and the formulas.(10’)

R: Whiteboard, geoboard
O.Whole class
3.-Direct calculation of  perimeters and areas of triangles and regular polygons (20’)
R: Handout
O: In pairs
4.-Resolution of problems of the real life involving quadrilaterals (15’)

Lesson 4: Measurements of circular shapes

1.-Brief teacher explanation about the calculation of the perimeter and area of circular shapes, and the formulas.(15’)
R: Whiteboard
O.Whole class

2.-Direct calculation of  perimeters and areas of circula shapes (20’)
R: Handout
O: In pairs
3.-Resolution of problems of the real life involving circular shapes (20’)

Lesson 5: Descomposition of complex shapes (computer class)
1.- Brief teacher explanation with some examples of how to handle website. (10‘)
R: Whiteboard and Geoboard

2.- Exercices of complex shapes and draw in the geoboard of the website. (45‘)

R: Handout, paper geoplano
O: In pairs

Lesson 6: Pythagoras’ theorem for the calculation of areas and perimeters
1.-Complete a cheat sheat to calculate perimeteres and areas (with a draw) (10’)
R: Handout
O: In pairs
2.- Brief teacher explanation with some examples of complex shapes. (10 ‘)
R: Computer and whiteboard
3.-Exercices of calculation of complex shapes with the help of the geoboard. Copy the results in a handout.(25’)
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R: website, handout
O: In pairs
4-Compare the results with another pair (10’)
R: groups of 4

Lesson 7:Final task: Measurement and calculation of the basket pitch of the school ground 

     The objective is to compare that the measures obtainted directly and the mathematic results are the same.

1.- Measure all the plane shapes of the basket pitch (15’)
R:Handout, measuring tape
O: Groups of 4

2.- Draw the basket pitch and descompone it in simple shapes.

Lesson 8: Final assessment